.. _codeorg: Code Organization ================= *Where to put your stuff?* Whether it is for development or deployment, use this very same schema you got after :ref:`installing ` the example code: .. code-block:: text . ├── app # your app's .js and .html files ├── app.html / index.html # your frontend entry-point ├── assets # images, etc. ├── css # your app's css ├── docker # special stuff installed in docker image │ └── dev │ └── nginx.conf ├── Dockerfile.dev # docker image file ├── lib # *** The CuteFront Widget Library *** │ ├── base # *** AS A GIT SUBMODULE *** │ └── bootstrap-5.2.3-dist │ ├── css │ └── js └── test.html # some basic test entry-point This schema is also used by the :ref:`fullstack example `.