Instructions for building Valkka can be found from the main Github page, please read it first
Here are some miscellaneous tips for developers:
- In your build directory, don't forget to read README_BUILD and README_TESTS
- Read and understand (at least some of) Library architecture
- In the header files ("include/*.h") you'll see text "<pyapi>" .. don't erase them. They're used to autogenerate swig wrappers for python interface building. Refer to "python/make_swig_file.bash".
- When creating your own python calls, add "<pyapi>" to relevant lines in the header files
- For creating a new .cpp or .h file, use the "create.bash" script present both in "src/" and "include/"
- Before starting to put in new ffmpeg codecs, try the command 'grep "_DEV" *.src' in src/ directory
When compiling a static version of ffmpeg libraries, use "lib/run_config_.bash". Run it in the directory where you have ffmpeg's "configure.bash" script. It configures ffmpeg with minimal dependencies and with no encoders:
- No dependencies on external libraries
- LGPL license
- As we are interested only in decoding, and not in transcoding ..
- .. all DEcoders are enabled
- .. and all ENcoders disabled
Check out also the "lib/" helper script