Source code for valkka.multiprocess.base

""" : A simple multiprocessing framework with back- and frontend and pipes communicating between them

Copyright 2017-2023 Sampsa Riikonen

Authors: Sampsa Riikonen (

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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
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@author  Sampsa Riikonen
@date    2020
@version 1.6.1 

@brief   A simple multiprocessing framework with back- and frontend and pipes communicating between them
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
import select
import errno
import time
import sys, signal, os, pickle, math
import logging
import asyncio
import traceback

# from import getLogger, setLogger

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def safe_select(l1, l2, l3, timeout = None): """Like, but ignores EINTR """ try: if timeout is None: res =, l2, l3) # blocks else: res =, l2, l3, timeout) # timeout 0 is just a poll except (OSError, select.error) as e: if e.errno != errno.EINTR: raise else: # EINTR doesn't matter return [[], [], []] # dont read socket else: return res # read socket
[docs] class MessageObject: """A generic MessageObject for intercommunication between fronend (main python process) and backend (forked multiprocess). Encapsulates a command and parameters :param command: the command :param kwargs: kwargs Example: :: msg = MessageObject("a-command", par1=1, par2=2) msg() # returns "a-command" msg["par1"] # returns 1 """ def __init__(self, command, **kwargs): self.command = command self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): return "<MessageObject: %s: %s>" % (self.command, self.kwargs) def __call__(self): return self.command def __getitem__(self, key): return self.kwargs[key]
[docs] class MessageProcess(Process): """Encapsulates: - Frontend methods (in the current main process) - Backend methods (that run in the background/forked process) - Intercom pipes that communicate (seamlessly) between the multiprocessing front- and backend - All intercom is encapsulated in ``MessageObject`` s When you send a ``MessageObject`` with command ``myStuff``, the forked multiprocess (aka backend) tries to find and execute the method ``c__myStuff`` in the backend. :param name: name of the multiprocess NOTE: when subclassing ``__init__``, remember to call therein ``super().__init__()`` """ timeout = 1.0 def __init__(self, name = "MessageProcess"): = name self.pre = self.__class__.__name__ + "." + self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.pre) super().__init__() self.front_pipe, self.back_pipe = Pipe() # incoming messages & pipe that is read by the main pythn process self.front_pipe_internal, self.back_pipe_internal = Pipe() # used internally, for example, to wait results from the backend self.loop = True self.listening = False # are we listening something else than just the intercom pipes? self.sigint = True
[docs] @classmethod def formatLogger(cls, level = logging.INFO): """A helper to setup logger formatter Sets loglevel to the automatically created logger ``self.logger`` (that has the name ````) :param level: loglevel. Default: ``logging.INFO``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__) if not logger.hasHandlers(): formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if level is not None: logger.setLevel(level)
def __str__(self): return "<"+self.pre+">" def setDebug(self): self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs] def preRun__(self): """Multiprocessing backend method: subclass if needed Everything that needs to be done *after the fork* (i.e. in the backend), but *before* the multiprocesses' main listening & execution loop starts running. For example: import heavy libraries and instantiate deep neural net detectors """ pass
[docs] def postRun__(self): """Multiprocessing backend method: subclass if needed Everything that needs to be done *after the fork* (i.e. in the backend), and right *after* the multiprocess has exited it's main listening & execution loop, i.e. just before the multiprocess exits and dies. For example: clear heavy libraries and instantiate deep neural net detectors """ pass
# **** backend ****
[docs] def run(self): """Multiprocessing backend method: the main listening & execution loop. Normally you would not subclass this one. """ if self.sigint == False: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # handle in master process correctly self.preRun__() while self.loop: if self.listening: self.readPipes__(timeout = 0) # timeout = 0 == just poll else: self.readPipes__(timeout = self.timeout) # timeout of 1 sec # indicate front end qt thread to exit self.back_pipe.send(None) self.logger.debug("bye!") self.postRun__()
[docs] def readPipes__(self, timeout): """Multiprocessing backend method: listen simultaneously (i.e. "multiplex") all intercom pipes. If you need to listen additionally anything else than the normal intercom pipe, please subclass this one. :param timeout: listening i/o timeout in seconds """ rlis = [self.back_pipe] r, w, e = safe_select(rlis, [], [], timeout = timeout) # timeout = 0 == this is just a poll # handle the main intercom pipe if self.back_pipe in r: self.handleBackPipe__(self.back_pipe) r.remove(self.back_pipe)
# in your subclass, handle rest of the pipes def handleBackPipe__(self, p): """Route message to correct method """ ok = True try: obj = p.recv() except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Reading pipe failed with %s", e) ok = False if ok: self.routeMainPipe__(obj) def routeMainPipe__(self, obj): """Object from main pipe: - object.command - object.kwargs => route to "self.c__command(**kwargs)" """ if obj is None: self.loop = False return method_name = "c__%s" % (obj.command) if hasattr(self, method_name): method = getattr(self, method_name) try: method(**obj.kwargs) except TypeError: self.logger.warning("routeMainPipe : could not call method %s with parameters %s" % (method_name, obj.kwargs)) raise else: self.logger.warning("routeMainPipe : no such method %s" %(method_name))
[docs] def send_out__(self, obj): """Multiprocessing backend method: send an object from the backend to the frontend. It's recommended to use the ``MessageObject`` class. """ self.back_pipe.send(obj)
def return_out__(self, obj): self.back_pipe_internal.send(obj) # *** _your_ backend methods ***
[docs] def c__ping(self, lis = []): """A demo multiprocessing backend method: triggered when frontend calls the method ``ping`` and sends a reply to frontend """ print("c__ping:", lis) self.send_out__(MessageObject("pong", lis = [1,2,3]))
# **** frontend ****
[docs] def ignoreSIGINT(self): """Multiprocessing frontend method: call before ``start`` (or ``go``), so that the multiprocess ignores all SIGINT signals """ self.sigint = False
[docs] def getPipe(self) -> Pipe: """Multiprocessing frontend method: returns the pipe you can use to listen to messages sent by the multiprocessing backend. returns a ``multiprocessing.Pipe`` instance """ return self.front_pipe
[docs] def sendMessageToBack(self, message: MessageObject): """Multiprocessing frontend method: send a ``MessageObject`` to multiprocessing backend """ self.front_pipe.send(message)
def returnFromBack(self): return self.front_pipe_internal.recv()
[docs] def go(self): """Multiprocessing frontend method: a synonym to multiprocessing ``start()`` """ self.start()
[docs] def requestStop(self): """Multiprocessing frontend method: send a request to the multiprocess (backend) to stop """ self.sendMessageToBack(None)
[docs] def waitStop(self): """Multiprocessing frontend method: alias to multiprocessing ``join()`` """ self.join()
[docs] def stop(self): """Multiprocessing frontend method: request backend multiprocess to stop and wait until it has finished """ self.requestStop() self.waitStop()
# *** _your_ frontend methods ***
[docs] def sendPing(self, lis): """A demo multiprocessing frontend method: a demo method that sends the following ``MessageObject`` to the multiprocessing backend: .. code:: python MessageObject( "ping", lis = lis )) In the backend this is mapped seamlessly into backend method ``c__ping`` """ self.sendMessageToBack(MessageObject( "ping", lis = lis ))
# Mixed sync/async processes def getPipes(block_A = False, block_B = False): """ Either A or B can be blocking or non-blocking non-blocking pipe-terminal is required for asyncio :: A B w --------> r r <-------- w (A_w, A_r) is returned as single duplex """ B_read_fd, A_write_fd = os.pipe() A_read_fd, B_write_fd = os.pipe() #print("read, write pair", B_read_fd, A_write_fd) #print("read, write pair", A_read_fd, B_write_fd) # these a file descriptors, i.e. numbers if block_A: os.set_blocking(A_read_fd, True) os.set_blocking(A_write_fd, True) else: os.set_blocking(A_read_fd, False) os.set_blocking(A_write_fd, False) if block_B: os.set_blocking(B_read_fd, True) os.set_blocking(B_write_fd, True) else: os.set_blocking(B_read_fd, False) os.set_blocking(B_write_fd, False) return Duplex(A_read_fd, A_write_fd), Duplex(B_read_fd, B_write_fd) def to8ByteMessage(obj): b = pickle.dumps(obj) # r, w, e = safe_select([], [self.write_fd], []) # print("writing to", self.write_fd) val = len(b) + 8 # length of the message, including the first 8 bytes lenbytes = val.to_bytes(8, byteorder = "big") n_pad = math.ceil(val/8)*8 - val pad = bytes(n_pad) return lenbytes + b + pad class Duplex: """Creates a duplex, similar to what you get from multiprocessing.Pipe(), but other side of the duplex is non-blocking (for asyncio backend) """ def __init__(self, read_fd, write_fd): # file descriptors, i.e. numbers: self.read_fd = read_fd self.write_fd = write_fd # these are _io.FileIO objects: self.reader = os.fdopen(read_fd, "br", buffering = 0) self.writer = os.fdopen(write_fd, "bw", buffering = 0) def fileno(self): return self.read_fd def getReadIO(self): """_io.FileIO object """ return self.reader def getReadFd(self): """Returns the file descriptor (int), aka "fd" for this pipe """ return self.read_fd def getWriteFd(self): return self.write_fd def getWriteIO(self): """_io.FileIO object """ return self.writer def recv(self): """Traditional blocking recv """ msg = b'' N = None cc = 0 while True: # print("waiting stream") res = cc += 8 if N is None: # decode the first 8 bytes into int N = int.from_bytes(res, byteorder = "big") # print("N>", N) # print(res, len(res)) msg += res if cc >= N: break msg = msg[8:N] # remove any padding bytes obj = pickle.loads(msg) return obj def send(self, obj): """Tradition blocking send """ msg = to8ByteMessage(obj) n = self.writer.write(msg) # self.writer.flush() # no effect # print("wrote", n, "bytes") return n def __del__(self): self.reader.close() self.writer.close() def exclog(f): """Decorator for coroutines: turns exceptions into logging events """ async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self_ = args[0] try: return await f(*args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError as e: # propagate task cancel raise (e) except Exception as e: # any other exception should be reported, and BaseException raised so that the program stops # raise(BaseException) # enable this if you wan't exceptions raised. Good for first-stage debugging # DEBUGGING self_.logger.critical("asyncio call failed with '%s'", e) #self_.logger.critical("------------------------------>") self_.logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) #self_.logger.critical("<------------------------------") wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return wrapper def exclogmsg(f): """Decorator for coroutines: turns exceptions into logging events Sends also an error message to outgoing pipe """ async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self_ = args[0] slot = kwargs["slot"] try: return await f(*args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError as e: # propagate task cancel raise (e) except Exception as e: # any other exception should be reported, and BaseException raised so that the program stops # raise(BaseException) # enable this if you wan't exceptions raised. Good for first-stage debugging # DEBUGGING self_.logger.critical("asyncio call failed with '%s'", e) await self_.send_out__(MessageObject("error", slot=slot, error=str(e))) #self_.logger.critical("------------------------------>") self_.logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) #self_.logger.critical("<------------------------------") wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return wrapper
[docs] class AsyncBackMessageProcess(MessageProcess): """A subclass of ``MessageProcess``, but now the backend runs asyncio :param name: multiprocess name NOTE: when subclassing ``__init__``, remember to call therein ``super().__init__()`` """ def __init__(self, name = "AsyncMessageProcess"): # = name #self.pre = self.__class__.__name__ + "." + #self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.pre) super().__init__(name = name) # -> this takes care of the logger and # self.front_pipe, self.back_pipe = getPipes(True, False) # blocking frontend, non-blocking backend (for asynchronous backend) self.front_pipe, self.back_pipe = getPipes(True, True) # both blocking: for testing # seems to make no difference (asyncio sets the pipes to non-blocking mode) self.loop = True self.listening = False # are we listening something else than just the intercom pipes? self.sigint = True
[docs] def getPipe(self) -> Duplex: """Returns a Duplex object, instead of multiprocessing.Pipe object. Duplex.fileno() returns the read file dtor number """ return self.front_pipe
[docs] def getReadFd(self): """Returns read file dtor number for the frontend Duplex object """ return self.front_pipe.getReadFd()
[docs] def getWriteFd(self): """Returns write file dtor number for the frontend Duplex object """ return self.front_pipe.getWriteFd()
def run(self): if self.sigint == False: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # handle in master process correctly self.preRun__() # very important! create a new separate event loop in the forked multiprocess loop_ = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop_) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.async_run__()) self.postRun__()
[docs] async def asyncPre__(self): """Multiprocessing backend coroutine: subclass if needed Everything that needs to be done *after the fork* (i.e. in the backend), but *before* the multiprocesses' main asyncio event loop starts running. In addition to this, you can still subclass also ``preRun__`` that is executed after the fork but *before* the asyncio event loop """ pass
[docs] async def asyncPost__(self): """Multiprocessing backend coroutine: subclass if needed Everything that needs to be done *after the fork* (i.e. in the backend), immediately before exiting the main asyncio event loop In addition to this, you can still subclass also ``postRun__`` that is executed after exiting the main syncio event loop """ pass
async def async_run__(self): # print("hello from async") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # arrange reading of the intercom pipe back_reader = self.back_pipe.getReadIO() back_writer = self.back_pipe.getWriteIO() self.stream_reader = asyncio.StreamReader() def protocol_factory(): return asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol(self.stream_reader) """the logic here: read input (back_reader) is connected to the event loop, using a certain protocol .. protocol == what happens when there is stuff to read. We'll do the reading "manually" in the loop, so nothing much same for writer.. we get writer_transport where we can write """ self.reader_transport, pro =\ await loop.connect_read_pipe(protocol_factory, back_reader) self.writer_transport, pro =\ await loop.connect_write_pipe(asyncio.BaseProtocol, back_writer) try: await self.asyncPre__() except Exception as e: self.logger.critical( "asyncPre__ failed with '%s':\ don't call anything that requires intercom with the main loop", e) # ..cause the loop starts over here: while self.loop: # TODO: we should not have any event/reading loops # when using asyncio, so this is a bit stupid # solution: define a proper protocol instead # # if you have file descriptors, add them to the event loop # like this: loop.add_reader(fd, callback, *args) msg = b'' N = None cc = 0 while True: # print("waiting stream") res = await cc += 8 if N is None: # decode the first 8 bytes into int N = int.from_bytes(res, byteorder = "big") # print("N>", N) # print(res, len(res)) msg += res if cc >= N: break msg = msg[8:N] # remove any padding bytes #""" #msg = await obj = pickle.loads(msg) # print("obj", obj) await self.routeMainPipe__(obj) self.reader_transport.close() self.writer_transport.close() await self.asyncPost__() self.logger.debug("bye!") async def readPipes__(self, timeout): """Multiplex all intercom pipes """ raise(BaseException("not used")) async def handleBackPipe__(self, p): """Route message to correct method """ ok = True try: obj = p.recv() except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Reading pipe failed with %s", e) ok = False if ok: self.routeMainPipe__(obj) async def routeMainPipe__(self, obj): """Object from main pipe: - object.command - object.kwargs => route to "self.c__command(**kwargs)" """ # print("routeMainPipe__", obj) if obj is None: self.loop = False return method_name = "c__%s" % (obj.command) if hasattr(self, method_name): method = getattr(self, method_name) # print("method = ", method) try: await method(**obj.kwargs) except TypeError as e: self.logger.warning("routeMainPipe : could not call method %s with parameters %s: %s" % (method_name, obj.kwargs, e)) raise else: self.logger.warning("routeMainPipe : no such method %s" %(method_name))
[docs] async def send_out__(self, obj): """Multiprocessing backend coroutine: pickle obj & send to main python process. It's recommended to use the ``MessageObject`` class. """ #print("send_out__", obj, self.writer_transport) msg = to8ByteMessage(obj) # self.back_pipe.send(obj) #try: # print("send_out__", msg) self.writer_transport.write(msg) # woops.. this is _not_ async call (it returns immediately)
#except Exception as e: # print("send_out__ failed with", e) #print("send_out__: exit") # *** _your_ backend methods ***
[docs] async def c__ping(self, lis = []): """A demo backend coroutine: triggered when frontend calls the method ``ping`` and sends a reply to frontend So, in this coroutine it's all asyncio, i.e. await'ing and sending tasks. """ print("c__ping:", lis) await self.send_out__(MessageObject("pong", lis = [1,2,3]))
def sendMessageToBack(self, message: MessageObject): # print("writing to", self.front_pipe.write_fd) self.front_pipe.send(message)
[docs] class MainContext: """A convenience class to organize your python main process in the context of multiprocessing You should subclass this. In subclassed ``__init__``, you should always call the superclass constructor: :: def __init__(self): # do custom initializations # call superclass ctor in the last line of your # custom init super().__init__() This will have the effect of calling ``startProcesses`` and ``startThreads`` (see below). Remember to call the superclass constructor always in the last line of your customized ``__init__`` Please see tutorial, part II for practical subclassing examples ``MainContext`` has a logger ``self.logger`` with the name ``classname``. """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.started = False self.aux_pipe_read, self.aux_pipe_write = Pipe() # when using runAsThread self.startProcesses() self.startThreads()
[docs] @classmethod def formatLogger(cls, level = logging.INFO): """A helper to setup logger formatter Sets loglevel to the automatically created logger ``self.logger`` (that has the name ``classname``) :param level: loglevel. Default: ``logging.INFO``. """ logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__) if not logger.hasHandlers(): formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if level is not None: logger.setLevel(level)
def setDebug(self): self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs] def startProcesses(self): """Mandatory. Create, cache and start your ``MessageProcess`` es here. """ raise NotImplementedError("virtual method")
[docs] def startThreads(self): """Mandatory. Create, cache and start any python multithreads here if you have them. """ raise NotImplementedError("virtual method")
[docs] def close(self): """Mandatory. Terminate all multiprocesses and threads. Should be called in the ``__call__`` method after exiting the main loop. """ raise NotImplementedError("virtual method")
[docs] def __call__(self): """Mandatory. Your main process loop. """ self.loop = True while self.loop: try: time.sleep(1.0) print("alive") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("you pressed CTRL-C: will exit asap") break
[docs] def runAsThread(self): """Run the class as a thread. Only for testing/debugging purposes """ from threading import Thread, Event self.thread = Thread(target=self.__call__) self.logger.critical("starting as thread") self.thread.start() # goes into background
[docs] def stopThread(self): """If launched with ``runAsThread``, use this method to stop. """ self.logger.critical("requesting thread stop") self.aux_pipe_write.send(None) self.thread.join() self.close() self.logger.critical("thread stopped")
def test1(): p = MessageProcess() p.go() pipe = p.getPipe() time.sleep(2) print("sending ping") p.sendPing([1,2,3]) obj = pipe.recv() print("got", obj) p.stop() def test2(): p = AsyncBackMessageProcess() p.go() pipe = p.getPipe() time.sleep(2) # print("sending some to", pipe.write_fd) # pipe.send("kokkelis") print("sending ping") p.sendPing([1,2,3]) msg = pipe.recv() print("=> got", msg) print("sending another ping") p.sendPing([1,2,3]) #p.sendPing([1,2,3]) time.sleep(3) print("sending stop") p.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": # test1() test2()