Valkka  1.6.1
OpenSource Video Management
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 avdep.hList of common ffmpeg/libav header files. Definition of some functions to call FFmpeg API directly from Valkka
 avfilethread.hA Thread handling files and sending frames to fifo
 avthread.hFFmpeg decoding thread
 codec.hCodec definitions (slightly outdated)
 common.hList of common header files
 constant.hConstant/default values, version numbers
 decoder.hFFmpeg decoders
 doc.hExtra doxygen documentation
 enumiter.hIterate over enum class
 frame.hFrame classes
 framefifo.hThread safe system of fifo and a stack
 framefilter.hDefinition of FrameFilter and derived classes for various purposes
 framefilter2.hMore framfilters
 framefilterset.hClasses using several framefilters
 live.hInterface to live555
 livedep.hList of common header files
 liveserver.hLive555 interface for server side: streaming to udp sockets directly or by using an on-demand rtsp server
 livethread.hA live555 thread
 logging.hLogging utilities
 metadata.hLibValkka pre-reserves all frames, both byte payload and metadata payload. After memory reservation, a frame can change its internal types, namely codec and metadata related to that codec. So we need typecast the correct metadata from the pre-reserved metadata byte blobs
 movement.hFramefilter implementing a movement detector
 muxer.hFFmpeg muxers, implemented as Valkka framefilters
 opengl.hOpenGL calls for reserving PBOs and TEXtures, plus some auxiliary routines
 openglobject.hOpenGL objects, i.e. stuff that can be drawn on the OpenGL canvas on top the textures (boxes, etc.)
 openglthread.hFrameFifo for OpenGLThread: stack of YUV frames and uploading to GPU
 rawrite.hWrite directly to files and devices with POSIX O_DIRECT
 sharedmem.hPosix shared memory segment server/client management, shared memory ring buffer synchronized using posix semaphores
 tex.hHandling OpenGL textures
 thread.hBase class for multithreading
 tools.hAuxiliary routines
 usbthread.hUSB Camera control and streaming
 avfilethread.cppA thread sending frames from files
 avthread.cppFFmpeg decoding thread
 decoder.cppFFmpeg decoders
 framefilterset.cppClasses using several framefilters
 live.cppInterface to live555
 livethread.cppA live555 thread
 logging.cppLogging with various log levels
 opengl.cppX11, GLX, OpenGL calls for initialization and texture dumping, plus some auxiliary routines
 openglthread.cppFrameFifo for OpenGLThread: stack of YUV frames and uploading to GPU
 sharedmem.cppPosix shared memory segment server/client management, shared memory ring buffer synchronized using posix semaphores
 testthread.cppLaunch a cpp thread from python, give that thread a callback that's called by the thread
 thread.cppA class for multithreading, similar to Python's standard library "threading.Thread"
 tools.cppAuxiliary routines
 usbthread.cppUSB Camera control and streaming
 valkkafs.cppA simple block file system for streaming media