
CuteFront is the lightweight, quick and modular javascript frontend framework


CuteFront is a semi-declarative javascript frontend framework, featuring:

  • Code structured into clearly separated components (widgets) that communicate through signals and slots

  • No node, npm or transpiling. Code runs only in the browser.

  • No annoying templating languages, just pure javascript and html

  • Minimal package mainteinance: CuteFront is just html and javascript running in the browser, so it just “is”

  • Qt’s touch’n’feel with widgets, signals and slots

  • Simple development environment with plain .js and .html files

  • Global state partitioned and cached into widgets - avoid global state mess

  • AI Widget generation using Large Language Models (LLMs) works like a dream

If you are a “learning-by-doing” person, want to skip the chit-chat and take a quick look what CuteFront is about, I recommend that you take the ~ 30 minutes tutorial.

Here is a a quick look at a typical CuteFront main html file using widgets:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="../bootstrap-5.2.3-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<div id="alex"></div>
<div id="bob"></div>

<script src="../bootstrap-5.2.3-dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>

<script type="module">

import { BallPlayer } from './ballplayer.js';
var alex = new BallPlayer("alex");
var bob = new BallPlayer("bob");
// connect a signal from alex to bob
// connect a signal from bob to alex
// give ball initially to alex


For Whom?

  • For people who are, like me, deeply frustrated with the bloated modern-day javascript frameworks

  • Sure, there is Flutter and Dart that are also programmatic and widget-based approaches, but here we use only browser-native javascript!

  • Very ideal for people who have Qt or GTK, i.e. widget based GUI development background

  • Even more so for people with PyQt / PySide2 background

For What?

  • To get an interactive web-page quickly up and running

  • Especially for smaller projects requiring complex reactive frontend code, SPA (single-page applications) and the like

  • Not guaranteed or tested for huge projects, although the system is component-based and requires no transpiling (eliminating one big problem for large projects)



Qt and Qt logo are registered trademarks of the Qt company

As I have nothing to do with the Qt company, this project is called CuteFront