Qt-like Widgets and Signals

Let’s play ball

In CuteFront, there is only plain html and javascript. Javascript and html are in the same .html file, while each widget class is in a separate .js file.

A code example tells more than thousand explanatory words, so let’s get straight to it with some javascript:

import { BallPlayer, BillBoard } from './ballplayer.js';
var alex = new BallPlayer("alex");
var bob = new BallPlayer("bob");
var billboard = new BillBoard("billboard")

// ball from alex to bob
// ball from bob to alex
// inform billboard about the game
// alex throws
// bob throws

// give ball initially to alex

Here we have instantiated two widgets, namely, Bob and Alex, from the same widget class BallPlayer. There’s yet another widget instantiated, billboard from the class Billboard that reports the ballgame between alex and bob.

Widget classes are read from separate .js files from a widget library.

Signals from Bob and Alex are connected to the slot of the other player and also to the billboard so that it gets updated: the callback chains become obvious and easy to read, thanks to the signal/slot syntax.

The html part (in the same file), looks like this:

<div id="alex"></div>
<div id="bob"></div>
<div id="billboard"></div>

Quite simple, right? No templating languages or obscure onclick callbacks to- and fro between html and javascript.

Only the basic layout is described by html, while all other complex / interactive stuff is implemented by the widget code. Note how we “hooked” into the <div> elements in the JS part by using their unique id.

Here is an image of the working web-page:


You can also try it on-line in here

About the State

Before continuying, let’s still comment about the “state” (the set of all variables) of the page:

  • Each widget from the BallPlayer class knows it’s own state (has the ball or not).

  • The widget from the Billboard class, similarly, knows only the relevant part of the state: how many times the ball has been thrown around.

In other words, the global state has been “partitioned” and cached into the widgets. You can contrast this to, for example to Vue’s “vuex” and similar architectures, where the state variables become, in practice, global variables (like in 80’s style programming). Again, in Vue, it becomes even more nastier when those global variables are “reactive” and change sneakily other variables in the global state (and the page’s behaviour).

Let’s emphasize the philosophy of handling the state in CuteFront:

Each widget caches it’s own part of the global state

Furthermore, signal/slot paradigm can naturally be represented as a graph, so let’s do some ascii art:

    sig: throw_ball  >------+-----+
    slot: catch_ball <--+   |     |
                        |   |     +---> Billboard
BallPlayer              |   |     |
    sig: throw_ball  >--+---|-----+
    slot: catch_ball <------+

This feature is used in Qt’s “Qt Studio”, where you can create interactions by graphically drawing lines between widgets. We have the same potential with CuteFront.

A more complicated topic on the state is the “state history”, i.e. moving forward and backward in history, using browser forward and backward buttons. You can read more about that in State History.

Anatomy of a Widget

Let’s take a look at the BallPlayer widget class:

class BallPlayer extends Widget {
    // A widget you can throw ball with
    // to another widget
    constructor(id) {
        this.id = id;
    // UP: signals
    createSignals() {
        this.signals.throw_ball = new Signal(); // sends the ball to another widget
    // IN: slots
    catch_ball_slot() { // receive a ball
        this.log(-1, "catch_ball_slot")
        this.has_ball = true
    createState() {
        if (this.element == null) {
            this.err("no html element")
        this.has_ball = false // the only state variable
        // initialize to not having a ball
    createElement() {
        this.element = document.getElementById(this.id)
        if (this.element == null) {
            this.err("could not find element with id", this.id)
        <button class="btn btn-outline-primary">Throw</button>
        this.button.onclick = (event) => {
    throwBall() {
        if (!this.has_ball) {
            // we don't have the ball..
        this.has_ball = false
    setBall() { // changes html element appearance according this.has_ball
        if (this.has_ball) {
            this.button.innerHTML=`Throw me (I have the ball!)`
            this.button.className="btn btn-outline-primary"
        else {
            this.button.className="btn btn-outline-primary"

} // BallPlayer

All widgets define createSignals, createState and createElement methods.

  • createSignals defines the signals this widget emits.

  • createState describes the internal state variables of the widget.

  • createElement hooks into the html code and gets an element handle to the widget’s html element. It then produces dynamically all the html code required by the widget and hooks into relevant DOM elements that are used by the widget (for more about createElement, see here).

  • Slots methods have names ending in _slot. This is where the signals from other widgets are connected to.

To put it simply, slot methods change the internal state of the widget (created initially in createState), and emit signals to other widgets.

Taking a look into createSignals and the _slot methods, we can see at a single glance the API of the widget.

Before going full throttle into creating your own interative pages and widgets, please look at the Creating Widgets section for common techniques and pitfalls (in javascript, there are quite some).