Widget Library

By now, you have checked out or downloaded the widget library as was instructed in here from github.

Basic Widgets

Please take a look into frontend/lib/base. Some important files therein:

  • widget.js : the motherclass of all widgets

  • example.js : an example on widget subclassing

  • example.html : html file corresponding to example.js

  • create.bash : a shorthand bash script for creating a new widget from template

Rest of the files are widgets used by the fullstack example for CRUD operations.

Note also that:

  • Each widget component lives in its own .js file

  • Each widget component has an accompanying .html file for minimal interactive testing and demonstration of the widget

You can test each of the widgets by simply accessing their test/demo html files. However, before that, you need to set up at least the Plainfile development environment. See here for more details.


When you get into developing widgets, please share them! This project needs your contribution.

The widget library organization is still an open question. However, they should be vaguely organized in subdirectories according to common categories / authors.

An accompanying html file (see above) is required for all contributed widgets.