Valkka  1.6.1
OpenSource Video Management
available framefilters

Things related to FrameFilters. More...

Collaboration diagram for available framefilters:


class  CacheFrameFilter
 Passes frames to a FrameCache. More...
class  FileFrameFilter
 Pipe stream into a matroska (mkv) file. More...
class  FrameFilter
 The mother class of all frame filters!
FrameFilters are used to create "filter chains". More...
class  DummyFrameFilter
 A "hello world" demo class: prints its own name if verbose is set to true. More...
class  InfoFrameFilter
 Dump the beginning of Frame's payload into stdout. More...
class  BriefInfoFrameFilter
 Dump the beginning of Frame's payload into stdout in a one-liner. More...
class  ThreadSafeFrameFilter
 FrameFilter s that are fed from various different threads, should be protected with this. More...
class  ForkFrameFilter
 Replicates frame flow to two filters Use this frame filter to create frame filter tree structures. More...
class  ForkFrameFilter3
 Replicates frame flow to three filters Use this frame filter to create frame filter tree structures. More...
class  ForkFrameFilterN
 Replicates frame flow to arbitrary number of outputs. More...
class  SlotFrameFilter
 Sets the frame slot value. More...
class  PassSlotFrameFilter
 Passes through frames with a certain slot number only. More...
class  DumpFrameFilter
 Dumps each received packet to a file: use with care! For debugging purposes only. More...
class  CountFrameFilter
 Counts frames passed through this filter. More...
class  TimestampFrameFilter
 Corrects erroneous timestamps (while preserving timestamp distances). More...
class  TimestampFrameFilter2
 Corrects erroneous timestamps (while preserving timestamp distances). More...
class  DummyTimestampFrameFilter
 Substitute timestamps with the time they arrive to the client. More...
class  RepeatH264ParsFrameFilter
 For H264, some cameras don't send sps and pps packets again before every keyframe. More...
class  GateFrameFilter
 When turned on, passes frames. More...
class  SetSlotFrameFilter
 Changes the slot number of the Frame. More...
class  TimeIntervalFrameFilter
 Pass frames, but not all of them - only on regular intervals. More...
class  FifoFrameFilter
 Passes frames to a FrameFifo. More...
class  BlockingFifoFrameFilter
 Passes frames to a multiprocessing fifo. More...
class  SwScaleFrameFilter
 Interpolate from YUV bitmap to RGB. More...
class  DumpAVBitmapFrameFilter
 Dumps AVBitmapFrame(s) into a files. More...
class  FPSCountFrameFilter
 Counts fps and prints the fps value on the terminal every N seconds. More...
class  Switch
 Switch between two input streams. More...
class  DoubleGate
 Gates between two input streams. More...
class  ShmemFrameFilter
 This FrameFilter writes frames into a SharedMemRingBuffer. More...
class  RGBShmemFrameFilter
 Like ShmemFrameFilter. More...

Detailed Description

Things related to FrameFilters.