OpenSource Video Management
From RTSP stream to X-window.
Let's recall a typical filtergraph from Library architecture
(1.LiveThread) --> {2.FifoFrameFilter} --> [3.FrameFifo] -->> (4.AVThread) --> {5.FifoFrameFilter} --> [6.OpenGLFrameFifo] -->> (7.OpenGLThread)
In detail, frames are transported from (1) to (7) like this:
4 AVThread
OpenGLThread uses the following classes:
Internal data structures of OpenGLThread:
OpenGLThread::slots_ == A vector. A SlotContext for each slot. Warehouses SlotContext instances
OpenGLThread::render_groups == Mapping. Window_id => RenderGroup mapping. Warehouses the RenderGroup instances (each RenderGroup instance warehouses RenderContext instances)
OpenGLThread::render_lists == A vector. There is one element for each slot. Each element is a list of references to RenderGroup instances. Only RenderGroup(s) that have some RenderContext(es) should be in this list.
So, OpenGLThread::run reads a new frame from OpenGLThread::infifo. It is passed to the presentation queue, i.e. to OpenGLThread::presfifo. OpenGLThread::handleFifo is eventually called.
OpenGLThread::handleFifo inspects Frame::n_slot => takes a SlotContext from OpenGLThread::slots_. Preload the textures to SlotContext::yuvtex. So, textures are now loaded and ready to go. Now we have to find all render contexes that use these textures (there might be many of them).
Using Frame::n_slot, pick a list from OpenGLThread::render_lists (there is one list for each slot)
Run through that list: each element is a RenderGroup (remember that each RenderGroup has a list of RenderContexes)
RenderGroup has method RenderGroup::render. That method fixes the current X window for manipulation. So, X window has been chosen. Let's draw into it.
Then RenderGroup runs through all its RenderContex(s). For each RenderContext, RenderContext::render is called
RenderContext has vertex array, vertex buffer objects, transformation matrix, etc., everything needed for rendering a YUV image in any way you wish (straight rectangle, twisted, whatever).
RenderContext also has a reference to a valid SlotContext: RenderContext::slot_context. From there we get the Shader and YUVTEX (pre-loaded textures) which are now used together with the vertex array, vertex buffer objects, transformation matrix, etc.
Finally, render the texture with glDrawElements in RenderContext::bindVertexArray.
Recycle frame back to OpenGLFrameFifo