OpenSource Video Management
CAbstractFileStream | A general class for on-disk stored streams |
CAbstractFileThread | This class uses AbstractFileStream(s) |
CAlertFrameFilter | LiveThread sends a special frame if a camera is detected offline |
CAVBitmapFrame | Decoded YUV/RGB frame in FFMpeg format |
CAVDecoder | Decoder using FFmpeg/libav |
CAVHwDecoder | Video decoder using FFmpeg/libav with VAAPI |
CAVMediaFrame | Decoded Frame in FFmpeg format |
CAVRGBFrame | Decoded YUV frame in a non-planar format (thus "NP") |
CAVSignalContext | Redefinition of characteristic signal contexts (info that goes with the signal) for AVThread thread |
CAVThread | A thread consuming frames and feeding them to various encoders |
CBasicFrame | Custom payload Frame |
CBitmapPars | For AVBitmapFrames, linesizes are the widths + padding bytes |
CBlockingFifoFrameFilter | Passes frames to a multiprocessing fifo |
CBriefInfoFrameFilter | Dump the beginning of Frame's payload into stdout in a one-liner |
CBufferSource | Implements a FramedSource for sending frames |
CCacheFrameFilter | Passes frames to a FrameCache |
CCachingGateFrameFilter | Caches SetupFrame s |
CConnection | A base class that unifies all kinds of connections (RTSP and SDP) |
CCountFrameFilter | Counts frames passed through this filter |
CDecoder | A Virtual class for decoders |
CDecoderThread | |
CDoubleGate | Gates between two input streams |
CDummyDecoder | A Dummy decoder |
CDummyFrameFilter | A "hello world" demo class: prints its own name if verbose is set to true |
CDummyTimestampFrameFilter | Substitute timestamps with the time they arrive to the client |
CDumpAVBitmapFrameFilter | Dumps AVBitmapFrame(s) into a files |
CDumpFrameFilter | Dumps each received packet to a file: use with care! For debugging purposes only |
►CEnum | |
CEvent | Python-like threading/multiprocessing.Event class |
CEventFd | A file descriptor for running select and poll with shmem ring buffers |
CFDFrameFifo | FrameFifo using file descriptors |
CFDWrite | |
CFDWriteContext | Describes an outgoing file descriptor connection |
CFDWriteSignalContext | Encapsulate data sent to FDWriteThread with a SignalFrame |
CFDWriteSignalPars | Information sent with a signal to FDWriteThread |
CFDWriteThread | File Descriptor Writer Thread |
CFifoFrameFilter | Passes frames to a FrameFifo |
CFileCacheSignalContext | Encapsulate data sent to FileCacheThread |
CFileCacheSignalPars | Signal information for FileCacheThread |
CFileCacheThread | Thread that caches frames and streams them into output at play speed |
CFileContext | This class descibes the origin and state of a FileStream |
CFileFrameFilter | Pipe stream into a matroska (mkv) file |
CFileSignalContext | Identifies the information the signals FileSignal carry |
CFileStream | This class in analogous to the Connection class in live streams |
CFileStreamContext | |
CFileThread | This class in analogous to LiveThread, but it handles files instead of live streams |
CForkFrameFilter | Replicates frame flow to two filters Use this frame filter to create frame filter tree structures |
CForkFrameFilter3 | Replicates frame flow to three filters Use this frame filter to create frame filter tree structures |
CForkFrameFilterN | Replicates frame flow to arbitrary number of outputs |
CFPSCountFrameFilter | Counts fps and prints the fps value on the terminal every N seconds |
CFragMP4Meta | |
CFragMP4MuxFrameFilter | |
CFragMP4SharedMemRingBuffer | |
CFragMP4SharedMemSegment | |
CFragMP4ShmemFrameFilter | |
CFrame | Frame: An abstract queueable class |
CFrameCache | FrameCache works like FrameFifo, but frames are not pre-reserved |
CFrameCacheContext | |
CFrameFifo | A thread-safe combination of a fifo (first-in-first-out) queue and an associated stack |
CFrameFifoContext | Describes the stack structure and fifo behaviour for a FrameFifo |
CFrameFilter | The mother class of all frame filters! FrameFilters are used to create "filter chains" |
CFrameSink | Live555 handling of media frames |
CGateFrameFilter | When turned on, passes frames |
CH264Pars | |
CH264ServerMediaSubsession | |
CH264Stream | |
CHwVideoDecoder | |
CInfoFrameFilter | Dump the beginning of Frame's payload into stdout |
CInitStreamFrameFilter | Add state information to stream |
CLiveConnectionContext | Identifies a stream and encapsulates information about the type of connection the user is requesting to LiveThread |
CLiveFifo | This is a special FrameFifo class for feeding frames into live555, i.e |
CLiveOutboundContext | Same as LiveConnectionContext, but for outbound streams (i.e |
CLiveSignalContext | Identifies the information the signals LiveThread::Signals carry |
CLiveThread | Live555, running in a separate thread |
CLogger | Logging facility |
CMarkerFrame | |
CMovementFrameFilter | |
CMuxFrame | A muxed packet (in some container format) |
CMuxFrameFilter | |
COfflineSignalContext | |
COpenGLFrameFifo | A FrameFifo managed and used by OpenGLThread |
COpenGLFrameFifoContext | Describes the stack structure and fifo behaviour for an OpenGLFrameFifo |
COpenGLSignalContext | Encapsulates data sent by the signal |
COpenGLSignalPars | Signal information for OpenGLThread |
COpenGLThread | This class does a lot of things: |
COutbound | A base class that unifies all kinds of outgoing streams (i.e |
COverlayObject | A generic object that's drawn on top of the bitmaps |
CPassSlotFrameFilter | Passes through frames with a certain slot number only |
CRawReader | |
CRaWriter | |
CRectangle | A rectangle that's drawn on top of the video bitmap |
CRenderContext | Encapsulates data for rendering a single bitmap: vertex array object (VAO), vertex buffer object (VBO), vertice coordinates, transformation matrix, etc |
CRenderGroup | Group of bitmaps that are rendered into the same X-window |
CRepeatH264ParsFrameFilter | For H264, some cameras don't send sps and pps packets again before every keyframe |
CRGB24Meta | A seriazable metadata object |
CRGB24SharedMemSegment | A Shmem segment describing an RGB24 frame |
CRGBFrame | Our own RGB24 structure |
CRGBFrameFifo | A FrameFifo for RGBFrame s |
CRGBFrameFifoContext | |
CRGBShader | |
CRGBShmemFrameFilter | Like ShmemFrameFilter |
CRTSPConnection | A negotiated RTSP connection |
CRTSPOutbound | Sending a stream using the on-demand rtsp server |
CSDPConnection | Connection is is defined in an SDP file |
CSDPOutbound | Sending a stream without rtsp negotiation (i.e |
CSetSlotFrameFilter | Changes the slot number of the Frame |
CSetupFrame | Setup frame |
CSetupPars | |
CShader | A general purpose shader class |
CSharedMemRingBuffer | |
CSharedMemRingBufferBase | Interprocess shared memory ring buffer synchronized with posix semaphores |
CSharedMemRingBufferRGB | SharedMemRingBuffer for AVRGBFrame |
CSharedMemSegment | Handles a shared memory segment with metadata (the segment size) |
CShmemFrameFilter | This FrameFilter writes frames into a SharedMemRingBuffer |
CSignalContext | Encapsulates data sent by the signal |
CSignalFrame | A frame, signaling internal thread commands, states of recorded video, etc |
CSimpleSharedMemSegment | Shared mem segment with simple metadata : just the payload length |
CSlotContext | Each Frame carries information about it's slot number in Frame::slot |
CSlotFrameFilter | Sets the frame slot value |
CStream | An outbound Stream |
CStreamClientState | Class to hold per-stream state that we maintain throughout each stream's lifetime |
CSwitch | Switch between two input streams |
CSwitchFrameFilter | Passes frame to one of the two terminals |
CSwScaleFrameFilter | Interpolate from YUV bitmap to RGB |
CTestConsumerThread | A demo thread for testing the producer/consumer module for fifos |
CTestFileStream | |
CTestProducerThread | A demo thread for testing the producer/consumer module for fifos |
CTestSignalContext | |
CTestThread | |
CTEX | A class encapsulating information about an OpenGL texture set (sizes, OpenGL reference ids, etc.) |
CThread | A class for multithreading with a signaling system |
CThreadContext | An example of information context sent to the Thread inside Thread::SignalContext |
CThreadSafeFrameFilter | FrameFilter s that are fed from various different threads, should be protected with this |
CTimeIntervalFrameFilter | Pass frames, but not all of them - only on regular intervals |
CTimestampFrameFilter | Corrects erroneous timestamps (while preserving timestamp distances) |
CTimestampFrameFilter2 | Corrects erroneous timestamps (while preserving timestamp distances) |
CTypeFrameFilter | Passes through frames of certain type only |
CUSBCameraConnectionContext | Parameters for connecting to a usb camera |
CUSBDevice | |
CUSBDeviceSignalContext | Redefinition of characteristic signal contexts (info that goes with the signal) |
CUSBDeviceThread | |
CV4LDevice | |
CVAAPIThread | |
CValkkaFS | Book-keeping for ValkkaFS |
CValkkaFS2 | |
CValkkaFSReaderSignalContext | Encapsulate data sent in the ValkkaFSReaderSignal |
CValkkaFSReaderSignalPars | Signal information for ValkkaFSReaderThread |
CValkkaFSReaderThread | ValkkaFS reader thread |
CValkkaFSTool | Analyzer tool for ValkkaFS |
CValkkaFSWriterSignalContext | Encapsulate data sent in the ValkkaFSWriterSignal |
CValkkaFSWriterSignalPars | Signal information for ValkkaFSWriterThread |
CValkkaFSWriterThread | Writes frames to ValkkaFS |
CValkkaRTSPClient | Handles a live555 RTSP connection |
CValkkaServerMediaSubsession | |
CVideoDecoder | Video decoder using FFmpeg/libav |
CYUVFrame | A GPU YUV frame |
CYUVShader | |
CYUVTEX | A class encapsulating information about an OpenGL texture set for a YUV pixmap (sizes, OpenGL reference ids, etc.) |