Valkka  1.6.1
OpenSource Video Management
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAbstractFileStreamA general class for on-disk stored streams
 CAbstractFileThreadThis class uses AbstractFileStream(s)
 CAlertFrameFilterLiveThread sends a special frame if a camera is detected offline
 CAVBitmapFrameDecoded YUV/RGB frame in FFMpeg format
 CAVDecoderDecoder using FFmpeg/libav
 CAVHwDecoderVideo decoder using FFmpeg/libav with VAAPI
 CAVMediaFrameDecoded Frame in FFmpeg format
 CAVRGBFrameDecoded YUV frame in a non-planar format (thus "NP")
 CAVSignalContextRedefinition of characteristic signal contexts (info that goes with the signal) for AVThread thread
 CAVThreadA thread consuming frames and feeding them to various encoders
 CBasicFrameCustom payload Frame
 CBitmapParsFor AVBitmapFrames, linesizes are the widths + padding bytes
 CBlockingFifoFrameFilterPasses frames to a multiprocessing fifo
 CBriefInfoFrameFilterDump the beginning of Frame's payload into stdout in a one-liner
 CBufferSourceImplements a FramedSource for sending frames
 CCacheFrameFilterPasses frames to a FrameCache
 CCachingGateFrameFilterCaches SetupFrame s
 CConnectionA base class that unifies all kinds of connections (RTSP and SDP)
 CCountFrameFilterCounts frames passed through this filter
 CDecoderA Virtual class for decoders
 CDoubleGateGates between two input streams
 CDummyDecoderA Dummy decoder
 CDummyFrameFilterA "hello world" demo class: prints its own name if verbose is set to true
 CDummyTimestampFrameFilterSubstitute timestamps with the time they arrive to the client
 CDumpAVBitmapFrameFilterDumps AVBitmapFrame(s) into a files
 CDumpFrameFilterDumps each received packet to a file: use with care! For debugging purposes only
 CEventPython-like threading/multiprocessing.Event class
 CEventFdA file descriptor for running select and poll with shmem ring buffers
 CFDFrameFifoFrameFifo using file descriptors
 CFDWriteContextDescribes an outgoing file descriptor connection
 CFDWriteSignalContextEncapsulate data sent to FDWriteThread with a SignalFrame
 CFDWriteSignalParsInformation sent with a signal to FDWriteThread
 CFDWriteThreadFile Descriptor Writer Thread
 CFifoFrameFilterPasses frames to a FrameFifo
 CFileCacheSignalContextEncapsulate data sent to FileCacheThread
 CFileCacheSignalParsSignal information for FileCacheThread
 CFileCacheThreadThread that caches frames and streams them into output at play speed
 CFileContextThis class descibes the origin and state of a FileStream
 CFileFrameFilterPipe stream into a matroska (mkv) file
 CFileSignalContextIdentifies the information the signals FileSignal carry
 CFileStreamThis class in analogous to the Connection class in live streams
 CFileThreadThis class in analogous to LiveThread, but it handles files instead of live streams
 CForkFrameFilterReplicates frame flow to two filters Use this frame filter to create frame filter tree structures
 CForkFrameFilter3Replicates frame flow to three filters Use this frame filter to create frame filter tree structures
 CForkFrameFilterNReplicates frame flow to arbitrary number of outputs
 CFPSCountFrameFilterCounts fps and prints the fps value on the terminal every N seconds
 CFrameFrame: An abstract queueable class
 CFrameCacheFrameCache works like FrameFifo, but frames are not pre-reserved
 CFrameFifoA thread-safe combination of a fifo (first-in-first-out) queue and an associated stack
 CFrameFifoContextDescribes the stack structure and fifo behaviour for a FrameFifo
 CFrameFilterThe mother class of all frame filters!
FrameFilters are used to create "filter chains"
 CFrameSinkLive555 handling of media frames
 CGateFrameFilterWhen turned on, passes frames
 CInfoFrameFilterDump the beginning of Frame's payload into stdout
 CInitStreamFrameFilterAdd state information to stream
 CLiveConnectionContextIdentifies a stream and encapsulates information about the type of connection the user is requesting to LiveThread
 CLiveFifoThis is a special FrameFifo class for feeding frames into live555, i.e
 CLiveOutboundContextSame as LiveConnectionContext, but for outbound streams (i.e
 CLiveSignalContextIdentifies the information the signals LiveThread::Signals carry
 CLiveThreadLive555, running in a separate thread
 CLoggerLogging facility
 CMuxFrameA muxed packet (in some container format)
 COpenGLFrameFifoA FrameFifo managed and used by OpenGLThread
 COpenGLFrameFifoContextDescribes the stack structure and fifo behaviour for an OpenGLFrameFifo
 COpenGLSignalContextEncapsulates data sent by the signal
 COpenGLSignalParsSignal information for OpenGLThread
 COpenGLThreadThis class does a lot of things:
 COutboundA base class that unifies all kinds of outgoing streams (i.e
 COverlayObjectA generic object that's drawn on top of the bitmaps
 CPassSlotFrameFilterPasses through frames with a certain slot number only
 CRectangleA rectangle that's drawn on top of the video bitmap
 CRenderContextEncapsulates data for rendering a single bitmap: vertex array object (VAO), vertex buffer object (VBO), vertice coordinates, transformation matrix, etc
 CRenderGroupGroup of bitmaps that are rendered into the same X-window
 CRepeatH264ParsFrameFilterFor H264, some cameras don't send sps and pps packets again before every keyframe
 CRGB24MetaA seriazable metadata object
 CRGB24SharedMemSegmentA Shmem segment describing an RGB24 frame
 CRGBFrameOur own RGB24 structure
 CRGBFrameFifoA FrameFifo for RGBFrame s
 CRGBShmemFrameFilterLike ShmemFrameFilter
 CRTSPConnectionA negotiated RTSP connection
 CRTSPOutboundSending a stream using the on-demand rtsp server
 CSDPConnectionConnection is is defined in an SDP file
 CSDPOutboundSending a stream without rtsp negotiation (i.e
 CSetSlotFrameFilterChanges the slot number of the Frame
 CSetupFrameSetup frame
 CShaderA general purpose shader class
 CSharedMemRingBufferBaseInterprocess shared memory ring buffer synchronized with posix semaphores
 CSharedMemRingBufferRGBSharedMemRingBuffer for AVRGBFrame
 CSharedMemSegmentHandles a shared memory segment with metadata (the segment size)
 CShmemFrameFilterThis FrameFilter writes frames into a SharedMemRingBuffer
 CSignalContextEncapsulates data sent by the signal
 CSignalFrameA frame, signaling internal thread commands, states of recorded video, etc
 CSimpleSharedMemSegmentShared mem segment with simple metadata : just the payload length
 CSlotContextEach Frame carries information about it's slot number in Frame::slot
 CSlotFrameFilterSets the frame slot value
 CStreamAn outbound Stream
 CStreamClientStateClass to hold per-stream state that we maintain throughout each stream's lifetime
 CSwitchSwitch between two input streams
 CSwitchFrameFilterPasses frame to one of the two terminals
 CSwScaleFrameFilterInterpolate from YUV bitmap to RGB
 CTestConsumerThreadA demo thread for testing the producer/consumer module for fifos
 CTestProducerThreadA demo thread for testing the producer/consumer module for fifos
 CTEXA class encapsulating information about an OpenGL texture set (sizes, OpenGL reference ids, etc.)
 CThreadA class for multithreading with a signaling system
 CThreadContextAn example of information context sent to the Thread inside Thread::SignalContext
 CThreadSafeFrameFilterFrameFilter s that are fed from various different threads, should be protected with this
 CTimeIntervalFrameFilterPass frames, but not all of them - only on regular intervals
 CTimestampFrameFilterCorrects erroneous timestamps (while preserving timestamp distances)
 CTimestampFrameFilter2Corrects erroneous timestamps (while preserving timestamp distances)
 CTypeFrameFilterPasses through frames of certain type only
 CUSBCameraConnectionContextParameters for connecting to a usb camera
 CUSBDeviceSignalContextRedefinition of characteristic signal contexts (info that goes with the signal)
 CValkkaFSBook-keeping for ValkkaFS
 CValkkaFSReaderSignalContextEncapsulate data sent in the ValkkaFSReaderSignal
 CValkkaFSReaderSignalParsSignal information for ValkkaFSReaderThread
 CValkkaFSReaderThreadValkkaFS reader thread
 CValkkaFSToolAnalyzer tool for ValkkaFS
 CValkkaFSWriterSignalContextEncapsulate data sent in the ValkkaFSWriterSignal
 CValkkaFSWriterSignalParsSignal information for ValkkaFSWriterThread
 CValkkaFSWriterThreadWrites frames to ValkkaFS
 CValkkaRTSPClientHandles a live555 RTSP connection
 CVideoDecoderVideo decoder using FFmpeg/libav
 CYUVFrameA GPU YUV frame
 CYUVTEXA class encapsulating information about an OpenGL texture set for a YUV pixmap (sizes, OpenGL reference ids, etc.)